By Candidate Advice

When an employee resigns, and their current employer suddenly comes back with a counter-offer, it can feel flattering, maybe even tempting. A pay rise, a promotion, or promises of change, what’s not to like? But from a recruiter’s perspective, accepting a counter-offer is almost always a mistake.

Here’s why:

  1. The Real Reason You Wanted to Leave Still Exists: A counter-offer might address salary, but it rarely fixes the deeper issues – lack of growth, poor management, cultural misalignment, or feeling undervalued. Those problems will likely remain.
  2. Loyalty Becomes a Question: Once you’ve handed in your notice, your commitment is in doubt. Even if you stay, your employer may question your long-term dedication, which can impact your future opportunities and trust within the organisation.
  3. It’s Often a Short-Term Fix: Many studies show that most employees who accept counter-offers leave within six to twelve months anyway. The initial excitement fades, and the old frustrations creep back in.
  4. It Can Burn Bridges: If you back out of an offer you’ve already accepted with a new employer, you risk damaging your professional reputation, and that recruiter who championed you may be hesitant to represent you again.
  5. Why Did It Take Your Resignation to Feel Valued? If your employer only offered you better pay or opportunities when you threatened to leave, what does that say about how they value you day-to-day?

As recruiters, we see the aftermath of counter-offers time and time again. Our advice? Trust the reasons you started looking in the first place. Make career decisions based on long-term growth and fulfillment, not short-term incentives.

A counter-offer is often a band-aid on a bigger wound. Don’t settle for temporary comfort, choose what’s right for your future.

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